Advisory Committee
The IHSS Advisory Committee is actively recruiting for Five (5) Consumer Positions and One (1) District Position.
The primary role of the Advisory Committee is to serve in an advisory capacity to the Public Authority Governing Board (Board), Public Authority staff, and the administrators of In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS).
The Mission of the Public Authority Advisory Committee is to provide advice and assistance to the Board, Public Authority, and IHSS staff; and to provide a forum for discussion for consumers of personal assistance services, providers, advocates, and other interested parties to participate in Public Authority policy and program development.
Meeting Agendas/Minutes
Meeting Information
The IHSS Public Authority Advisory Committee meets regularly on the third Tuesday of the month from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. in person. In the months of August and December no meetings held. In addition, there are sub-committee meetings scheduled as needed.
Membership on Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee shall consist of 11 members, each of whom is a resident of Contra Costa County. The members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
Special Accommodations
If you are planning to attend a meeting and need disability-related accommodations you must call the Public Authority office at (925) 655-4017 at least three days in advance of the meeting.
Public Authority has an Advisory Committee whose membership is composed of individuals who are current or past users of personal assistance services paid for through public or private funds, and professional representatives from the community.
The IHSS Advisory Committee is actively recruiting for Five (5) Consumer Positions and One (1) District Position. If you are interested in applying to be a member of the Advisory Committee, please complete and submit the Application to:
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors 1025 Escobar Street, 1st Floor Martinez, CA 94553 OR email to: [email protected]
- Wilson Cheng, El Cerrito - Consumer Under 60
- Vacant - Consumer Under 60 (1 seat)
- Vacant - Consumer 60 or Older (2 seats)
- Vacant - Consumer Any Age (2 seats)
District 1: Mustafa Alsalihy, Representative of Community-Based Organization
District 2: Vacant
District 3: Sydney Anderson, Social Worker
District 4: Brock Dubbela
District 5: Masoud Hamidi
Advisory Committee members welcome ideas for improving IHSS.
You can reach Advisory Committee members through the Public Authority office at (800) 333-1081.